Over a decade ago, Carol took the helm of a Pam Golden Properties franchise as the sole proprietor. Recognising the challenges of running a rental department without a robust system, she made a strategic decision to invest in PayProp.

Interview with

Carol Reynolds
Carol Reynolds
Area Principal of Pam Golden Properties, North Durban

That decision was based on the recommendation of other agents who had already experienced the dramatic impact PayProp has on their rental agencies.

“I chose PayProp because it came very highly recommended, and it was the best decision I made.” Carol Reynolds, Area Principal
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Efficient management of a growing rental portfolio 

Since starting out, Pam Golding Properties in the North Durban region has grown substantially, currently managing a large rental book of up to 600 properties. Carol says PayProp's seamless automated rental payment platform has been indispensable, especially when it comes to annual audit time.

“Our annual audits are quite intimidating. A lot of my staff sort of shuts down doing anything else, and we're all hands on deck really to help the auditors. PayProp has really facilitated that process for us.” Carol Reynolds, Area Principal
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Superior service

But the platform is not the only benefit Carol receives at audit time, PayProp’s world-class client support team are also just a phone call or e-mail away and ready to help.

“The support that we get from PayProp first of all is phenomenal. If the auditors have got any questions and there's something that they're not understanding on a report or statement, they can just phone client support, and the problems are quickly resolved, which is fantastic.” Carol Reynolds, Area Principal

Peace of mind

From a fiduciary duty perspective, PayProp has become a lynchpin for Carol and her team. The platform's automated processes that take the money through the various stages of financial reconciliation ensures compliance, and the layered security measures offer additional safeguards. Carol underscores the importance of these measures in helping everyone involved relax about the significant fiduciary duty to clients.

“PayProp has really helped me to sleep at night, and I think my staff feel the same way. All of these little safety measures help all of us relax about this massive fiduciary duty that we have to our clients. And that, in itself, is probably the most important and fundamental reason why I invested in PayProp, and I would never do it any other way.” Carol Reynolds, Area Principal

Concerned about your trust account security? Book a demo now to see how PayProp can help give you peace of mind over your rental payments.

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  • Real-time property management
  • Real-time bank integration
  • Real-time reconciliation & payments