Renters are disproportionately vulnerable to heat-related deaths, according to a new study.
Statistics Canada observed higher mortality rates and risks during extreme heat events in cities with a large renter population.
The study attributed this to renters being significantly less likely to have air conditioning compared to overall provincial averages, such as in Ontario (71% vs. 85%).
In particular, renters aged 65 and up who live alone are most likely to lack the critical cooling amenity and consequently, most likely to be affected by extreme heat events.
Currently, Toronto property managers and landlords are not legally required to provide air conditioning, but calls to mandate it are gaining traction.
“Toronto has a minimum temperature bylaw that ensures that tenants have heat in the winter,” argues Jacqueline Wilson from Canadian Environmental Law Association. “It’s time that Toronto implements a maximum temperature by-law to ensure Torontonians are safe in their own homes during hot summer days, too – especially as the climate continues to warm.”
In June 2023, a bill was passed granting tenants the right to install and use portable air conditioners, with property managers permitted to raise rents to cover additional hydro costs.
If installing air conditioning is not feasible, property managers can still promote health and safety by advising tenants on other cooling methods, such as closing doors to unused rooms to concentrate cool air in occupied areas and rotating any ceiling fans counterclockwise to create a cool breeze.
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