Before he became a letting agent, Mark Shanta, currently the managing director of Shanta Residential, managed his own portfolio, and only later took on managing the properties of friends and family. In 2015, he took the leap to start Shanta Letting, and succeeded in growing his management portfolio to 140 properties – but with that growth came endless admin that sapped his time and resources.
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Rapid rent processing is the key to growth
In order to keep growing, Mark had to find a way of handling more rentals without devoting more time or capacity to it. Improving the rent collection and payment process became a key focus area for him, as collecting, reconciling and paying out the rents for just a third of the portfolio was “taking us the best part of the day, maybe closer to a day and a half”.
A year after implementing PayProp’s leading client accounting platform, the business had grown its managed portfolio to approximately 200 properties, thanks to the efficiencies gained from PayProp.
“We process around about 50 rents on the first of every month. It takes us now between five and ten minutes.” Mark Shanta, Owner