This month brought more big milestones in the easing of COVID-19 restrictions – and with them, big changes for our industry.
Our lead story in this month’s Rent Report introduces the latest PayProp Special Report on rent arrears, which reveals the impact of a year of COVID-19 on tenants, landlords and letting agents across the UK. Read on to find out how you can claim your free copy.
Eviction rules are changing in England and Scotland this month. In our second story, we look at how COVID-19 restrictions are being rolled back.
Could Section 21 evictions soon be banned just as normal processes are resuming? We ask what the Queen’s Speech means for the future of the Renters’ Reform Bill in our third story.
Fourth, new figures show that the private rented sector is shrinking. Is buy-to-let dead – and if so, what killed it?
In our fifth story, we ask how the pandemic has changed the ways agents work. A new poll by Property Industry Eye sheds some light on the issue.
Finally, as the country marked Mental Health Awareness Week earlier this month, we look at how property professionals rose to the occasion.
For all our latest analysis, download the May 2021 issue of the PayProp Rent Report today and subscribe to get future issues delivered to your inbox every month.