There are many reasons why rental agents swear by PayProp, but we’ll start with the 16 that are currently in high demand across the country.
From our quick and easy payment automation to our security and account transparency, PayProp’s industry-leading payment functionality frees our clients from admin and stress, gives them better oversight of their business and ensures peace of mind for all parties to the rental contract. The result? They get real time back to grow their business or service customers – or if they like, to spend with family, enjoy their favourite hobbies and more.
If you aren’t yet empowered by PayProp to get more out of work and more out of life than your competitors, ask yourself if you can really pass up on all this:
- PayProp offers a secure trust environment for all incoming rent, damage deposits and owner funds – separate from the agency business account and accessible only to people with the right access permissions. Can your provider offer that level of powerful simplicity, security and financial oversight?
- Is each incoming payment automatically reconciled to the correct property, beneficiary and expense type, as with PayProp? Or do you need to manually check and upload bank statements to match each payment to the correct tenant, property and intended purpose? Worse, does your provider have (or can they gain) unsupervised access to your trust account to falsify reconciliations and redirect payments?
- Do your landlords have real-time self-service access to their portfolios to see live balances, deposits, tax statements and more, down to individual properties? PayProp agents’ landlords do not have to contact their agency, tie up their resources, or wait to speak to a person who may not be in or able to help, giving our clients time to grow their business (or spend however they choose).
- Are your tenants paying exorbitant fees for in-bank cash deposits, or losing time and risking unfair penalties on bank transfers? PayProp gives tenants their own convenient Tenant portal, branded with the agency’s name and logo, that offers instant EFT, access to all the tenant’s current and past invoices and payments, and the means to report maintenance issues.
- Do payment provider issues mean your landlords have to wait for their share of the rent? PayProp offers four outgoing payment batches daily, plus one additional batch every Saturday morning. This means your landlords and contractors can be paid the same day your agency receives the rent.
- Is your system customisable to allow changes in any debit order amount for different months? With PayProp, this is possible. Simply enter the amount and authorise it for collection, and forget the stress of having to issue a brand-new instruction each time.
- Still printing or taking daily screenshots of your reconciliation reports? With PayProp all your records are stored permanently and securely, accessible 24/7 on any device you choose.
- Tired of the grunt work that comes with letters of demand? PayProp partners with attorneys for automated printing and sending of actual legal letters via registered mail at an affordable cost that can be billed to the tenant at the click of a button.
- Worried about unauthorised access to your system? PayProp guarantees iron-clad platform security with flexible, insurmountable user access rights, dual payment approval, bank-grade secure data linkage with the bank, and total transactional inaccessibility by your service provider. We further maintain rigorous IT security including browser authentication, strong encryption, and multiple off-site backups hosted by Amazon Web Services. Logging in to PayProp is as safe as logging in to your bank.
- Does your system comply with relevant regulations? PayProp is a payment processing agent mandated by property practitioners, and as such we comply with the same rules that apply to property practitioners, and more.
- Is your customer data safe? PayProp adheres to the strongest global privacy laws.
- Can you keep track of who is doing what and when on your portfolio? PayProp’s comprehensive audit log captures any and all changes, and cannot be edited or deleted, giving you peerless peace of mind.
- Have an urgent query? PayProp’s local support team responds to 95% of calls within 23 seconds and all e-mails within 2 hours. They’ll even help your auditors and accountants at no charge.
- Does your payment provider have a dedicated team of experts proactively monitoring your success and keeping an eye on your best interests, like PayProp does?
- How do you handle an unrecognised transaction on your statement? Our agents get in-depth reconciliation assistance for free from our PayProp experts.
- Does your payment or property management platform include maintenance reporting and tracking functionality natively, free of charge? Or do you use a separate or clumsily integrated maintenance package?
Ultimately there’s just one question: How does your current PropTech provider compare to these incredible advantages all PayProp agents enjoy – included in the cost of the platform?
Agents who use PayProp get more out of work and more out of life – join them today and miss out no more!