How can letting agents grow and nurture their client bases? According to Sally Lawson, lettings guru at Agent Rainmaker, it all starts with giving.
Best-selling author Gary Vaynerchuk published Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, which explores the differing combination of jabs vs hooks to assist with business growth. A jab represents building relationships and reputations, but the right hooks are campaigns or sales-focused projects that bring instant profit. One should not exist without the other, but as the title suggests, one should receive more focus and attention.
We can absolutely apply this to our own business settings.
Give, Give, Give, Ask.
So the key with this strategy is to give a lot, and so much so, it should be scary the level of info you give out. If you’re not scared by how much free content you're giving away, then you’re not giving enough!
All of this is done online in various formats, without asking for anything in return. By following this method, you will attract people to you that like your content and want to learn and you can then in turn help and serve them as their provider, educator, connector, informer – they shouldn’t need to look elsewhere for any wants or needs.
For example, you can run free-to-attend educational webinars, publish how-to guides and updates on legislation, and launch ‘add-on’ services, all to keep them safe and knowledgeable.
All of this does a few things: it positions you as the expert, the one in the know, and makes you the go-to person. When they need support, you should spring to mind immediately because of the level of content they have consumed, making you unforgettable.
This may be in the form of the landlord using your services, adding on additional services you offer, recommending to friends, family, or colleagues, or – in an ideal situation – switching from let-only to fully-managed, or even coming to you from a competitor.
This needs to be an addition to your normal advertising and promotions, not instead of. It’s still great to run ads, build funnels and promote your business, but this free content will drive more people to you every day, 24/7.
This isn’t a new way to promote yourself, but when run alongside your other activities it can be like adding rocket fuel to your promotions, helping you build and grow your client base and validate your existing clients’ choice too.
So, give more, serve more, and attract more, build a community of followers, and see your business blossom… Give, give, give, ask.