
Does Toronto anti-renoviction bylaw punish honest landlords?

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Room being renovated

Toronto councillors have approved a new motion aimed at protecting tenants from "renovictions.”

The new bylaw draws inspiration from a similar one in nearby Hamilton, which introduces new regulations to curb the misuse of N13 eviction notices to remove tenants under the guise of renovations.

From 1 January 2025, Hamilton's bylaw will require landlords or property managers to apply for a renovation license within seven days of issuing an N13 eviction notice. This license is only granted if all building permits are secured and an engineer's report confirms a vacancy is necessary. Housing providers must also make arrangements for tenants wishing to return after the work is completed.

Toronto's forthcoming bylaw will include similar provisions, with fines up to $10,000 for individuals and $50,000 for corporations who fail to comply.

In Ontario, N13 filings increased by nearly 300% from 2017 to 2022, with Toronto leading the province. Toronto saw a total of 950 N13s filed from 2017 to August 2023 – however, it's unclear how many of these were in bad faith.

Some argue that Toronto's new anti-renoviction bylaw will create unnecessary red tape for honest housing providers, while supporters of the bylaw believe it is essential to prevent unjust evictions and protect tenants.

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